It is searching for the resonance within the heart, through the ‘way’ of Taiko.
In the Japanese Culture, there are many ‘ways’. For example, there is ‘Kado’; the way of Flower Arrangement, there is ‘Chado’; the way of the Tea Ceremony, Kendo; the way of the Sword, Judo, Aikido etc.
It is through this ‘way’ that traditional Japanese Culture has been handed down through the past, through the ‘Essence of the Japanese Spirit’.
This quality, this tradition of the ‘way’ forms the very basis of life for the Japanese.
Having inherited this precious knowledge of the teaching of Taiko and wishing to preserve and keep it pure, I founded the Kurumaya Taiko Dojo in Miyama City.
Miyama, a place where you can hold a dialogue with Nature itself!
I realised that in the world of Taiko - where Taiko could be performed, where one be able to learn Taiko, where one could go to see a Taiko performance, there didn’t exist a real ‘way’ of teaching, a Taiko Do.
Since I preferred the way of ‘Do’, I realised that I had a dream to open a Dojo and not just a simple school.
In the Dojo, before the actual practise or training begins, you adopt/assume a Zen Meditation position. You affix attention and become aware of yourself and the posture of your body. You weigh up, consolidate and unify your mind.
There are other rules of Etiquette which are required every time you enter the Dojo. Firstly, to greet the Dojo by bowing down and bringing the hands together (known as ‘gassho’), then entering by making the first step with the left foot into the Dojo (leaving firstly with the right foot).
By behaving in this way and having respectful manners, by opening and pouring out from the Heart, by following the correct procedure and using the appropriate conduct, it will become possible to improve the practise.
To improve your practise more, you need to train constantly and to do your very best. You need to practise with enthusiasm, wishing every time to put your entire self (wholly) into every single beat, whilst taking care of the partner playing with you. You need to throw the energy with all your might, putting all of your energy into that exact moment when you hit the Taiko. It is at that precise moment only that you can show the sound’s colour and tint. It is then that the sound’s echo will continue throughout eternity.

Many Foreign people travel far across the ocean from The United States and Europe to the Kurumaya Taiko Dojo in Miyama Town, to learn about Taiko Do. They stay at a hotel in Fukui and come every morning to the Dojo. Once they have changed, they come together to practise Zen Meditation and unify with one another’s minds, following the ways of the Dojo Taiko Do Practise.
The Kurumaya Dojo building is constructed of Cedar wood from Miyama. The floor of the Dojo is made from Japanese Hinoki wood. The Students practise Zen Meditation by candle light, whilst sitting in Zazen position on Zabuton cushions and Tatami Mats, in a typical Japanese atmosphere, enjoying the surrounding smells and sounds from the outside.
The practise of Zazen is one of the most important parts of the Taiko Do for the International Students, as they wish to do this practise willingly every morning. Despite their bodies being bigger than that of the Japanese, the way they embrace this practise is a strong indication of their desire to learn.
As the days go by, from morning until evening, the content of the training intensifies, (again like the Zazen) unifying and expanding the harmony of the Group.
Susan Horn, a Taiko Student from California who has played Taiko for over 16 years, who speaks Japanese very well, has been of help to me as an interpreter. Thanks to her, I was able to speak about the essence of Taiko.
On the final day of the Course, we bring together the Students of the Kurumaya Taiko Dojo to meet with the International Students. We play Taiko together; we talk with one another, we eat food together and share many pleasant hours. Even though everyone comes from different Countries and speaks different languages, we experience a clear and wonderful sensation in our hearts, because there is one language we can all speak - the language of Taiko Do.
Many International Students promise every year to return to the Kurumaya Taiko Dojo, some of these Students saying this whilst feeling profoundly moved, often shedding tears.
The fourth International Taiko Course in October 2005 concluded with this same success. Every year, this International Taiko Course will be open for new and experienced Students of Taiko.

It is said that there are over 16,000 Taiko and Folk Music Groups in Japan who use Taiko, the trend being that big groups of performers (20-50 people) play Taiko in one style or in simultaneous unison.
The style of Taiko that I pursue and wish to spread is the style of Taiko Do, whereby the style differs from person to person; for example, a Group of 5-10 people playing together, but performing ad lib according to their own individual technique.
Even if I were to teach 100 Students, each one would improve as a Taiko Performer according to his/ her own characteristics.
My fascination and direction now, is to explore and teach Taiko techniques which reveal both charm and fascination not only in the moment when the Taiko IS played, but by using and understanding the “MA” (the space during the time when the Taiko is NOT being played) and the individual expression of the person who is playing at the time.
The number of Students who come to receive serious Tuition, are from many parts of Japan - Hokkaido, Tokyo, Nagoya, Aichi, Fukuoka.
I would very much like for other Students to come here to experience these vivid sounds and feelings at my Dojo, the distant Echo of this world that swells and penetrates the Heart.
On the final day of the Course, we bring together the Students of the Kurumaya Taiko Dojo to meet with the International Students. We play Taiko together; we talk with one another, we eat food together and share many pleasant hours. Even though everyone comes from different Countries and speaks different languages, we experience a clear and wonderful sensation in our hearts, because there is one language we can all speak - the language of Taiko Do.
KOKORO - The Japanese Heart. A heart that recreates itself from Emptiness, a clear Heart that can create and expand.
Applying one-self to create, with an enthusiastic Heart and Mind - The handing of this wonderful Japanese Rhythm down to the Future - Shaking and moving the very Soul.
Wouldn’t you like to spend an enriched life as you have always imagined it, with an empty Heart, in which the never ending Sound can reverberate and echo into eternity?

Fukui-City,Fukui-Pref,910-2211 Japan
TEL : 0776-90-1180